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Balanced | Holistic | Growth

What is Neo -Mentorship all about?

neo- prefix

Britannica Dictionary definition of NEO-

: a new and different form of something that existed in the past (such as a theory, style, language, or philosophy)​​

Gradient Ocean


My name is Neo

Let's start with a lesson learned and admission of guilt, that is what Evolve is all about, after all. When I built this site in 2022, I was terrified. I was afraid and influenced by what society, particularly the business world demands of a new venture to capture attention and market itself.


Left brain was not wrong, head over to the mentorship for organisations page for more of that.  


However, if I am honest with myself, I truly want to let my right brain and my heart lead the way. I have never been happier and more moved in my professional life than when I watched my mentees succeed last year. So let's go:

  • Be moved by my expression through photography. I believe that technical people can benefit greatly by opening our minds to art.  

  • Learn from my mental health and professional journey at my blog.

  • Access free resources, tips and guides to help you on your growth path. Whether you are a student, new employee or seasoned professional, we never stop learning. 

  • Subscribe (for free) to my mailing list and be notified when new content is published


An Evolving Society Requires an Evolutionary Growth Mindset

" A Psychologist once told me that because I was already an engineer, I could not pursue a career relating to arts or humanities. That they are on the opposite side of the hexagon presented in Holland's Theory pertaining to occupational choice. This was in 2022, the works first published in 1959. This professional who I had sought out to help me free my mind was putting me in a box. Instead he had unleashed a beast that is now dedicated to changing the status quo. 


I have tried many  different professionals, and none has opened my mind to the potential that lay within me more than my own mentor. "


- Neolen Pillay (Pr Eng), Founder of EVOLVE; The Neo-Mentorship Space

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Book Your 'Free' Session

Your first session is on us! Well in a way.  Even if money is not involved, an exchange of ideas happens in every interaction, and most often that is payment enough. This is what mentorship is all about!

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